A telco with one of my friends (and probably the biggest fan of this blog) today reminded me that I've not been on top of this thing, so just something off-the-cuff to keep from falling way behind.
The big stuff recently has been the complete meltdown in the U.S. mortgage markets, and the economic chaos that we are still in the middle of. What this means to me personally at this point is a shrinking of my long-term investments, and more immediately the price of gas is back to something reasonable ($o.85/L today). It's a good time to not be in manufacturing for sure.
Where do I see all this going? I don't know any more than the high-priced help (e.g. "experts") but I will say that I think things for us in North America will get (at least slightly) better if McCain wins, and worse if Obama does. McCain will at least not impose more socialism and big government on the U.S., the last things that country, and by extension those of us in it's economic fallout zone, need.
That election is almost here (finally) so that will be settled one way or the other. The recent Canadian election was unspectacular, so we stay the course on Afghanistan and whatever else it is that we're doing these days. Maybe when we're finally done with that mess we can deploy the troops into Toronto and sort those drive-by-shooting gangbangers out Panjwai-style.
A B-1 strike on Jane and Finch? Perhaps a bit much, but something has to be done, and more talk or banning guns that are already being used illegally is NOT it. I invite you to draw your own conclusions, but if you gave me command of the Battlegroup and access to Toronto Police intel, I'd solve most of this indiscriminate shooting bullshit in less than three months. You'd want to stay off the streets until I was done, but it would be safe to walk them again afterward.
No links, no research, but there is the state of my thinking at this juncture. I'll as always try to come back with some of my "usual" level of writing, but I'm very busy in my real life, so it'll be sparse for a while yet.