
Thursday, 19 April 2007

Punching above our weight

Well, call up the army, it looks like another Canadian citizen has been unfairly persecuted by the totalitarian Chinese horde!

Oh, wait; Husyein Celil comes from there, was arrested there on terrorism charges and escaped to Canada? He just got his Canadian citizenship in 2005, 5 years after escaping from a Chinese jail? He's associated with people who have been executed by the Chinese government for supporting separatist forces? And he was caught by the Chinese back in their neighbourhood after he fled to and was granted a safe home in Canada?

"Well, maybe we should mind our own business", is my response to reading the facts of the case. The Chinese, rightly to my mind, do NOT recognize his Canadian citizenship-of-convenience and are treating him as a Chinese citizen. In fact, he's lucky not to be executed.

The Canadian government has predictably freaked out and is making all sorts of "tsk-tsk" noises at the Chinese, who are just as predictably telling them to shut it. As you might guess I have a lack of patience for Canada defending doughheads who manage to fetch up on our shores after pissing off some less soft-and-fuzzy country. I don't want most of them here in the first place (we grow our own criminals, thank you), and then they go back to whatever dismal place they "escaped" from in the first place.

Well, this does nothing for us. This guy got away once, and the Chinese won't let him do it again. Canada can just bleat and look lame, achieving nothing. I have to ask, do we really want guys like this bailed out? If we get him back, maybe he can hang out with the Khadr family...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
