
Saturday, 30 June 2007

"Do not think ill of your enemy, do it."

Publilius Syrus (Roman, 1st century BC) said it, not me, but I loved it as a quote. Hence, the latest blog post title, even if I have nothing really connected to it. Expect to see more of this quote...

Well, just I guess a digest of stuff I've seen recently to pad my numbers for June. One of the things that I saw that gave me some hope for some of our friends was this at LGF. I don't see a lot of official confirmation of it, so I won't bill it as 100% reliable, but it sounds good, and true to form for the Aussies. If that gutless crew of Brits had displayed some martial spirit against the Iranians a few months ago, that whole humiliating episode could have been avoided. It just takes some leadership and your troops will follow.

Americans have been tearing themselves apart politically, but at least that ridiculous ''Shamnesty'' bill has been killed. If they were going to amnesty up to 12 million illegal immigrants, I don't want to ever hear another world about terrorists making it to the US from Canada. We'll see what they come up with when they try again next year.

Closer to home, there were those Aboriginal protests yesterday in various parts of Canada. They seem to be reading public opinion better, since they temporarily impeded traffic in a number of places, but no armed standoffs or extended blockades of public thoroughfares. Some of the things about the attitude of the leaders in this article show that things have the potential to degenerate once more, but hopefully the police won't be hobbled by our political ''leaders'' and treat these protesters as being above the law.

Hmm. Not a lot else I really need to say at the moment, so just another space-filler until the next thing sets me off. As a note (possibly to myself), traffic seems to have dropped off, so I guess I'm completely off the radar at this point. With a big layoff coming in the next few months, I guess this spot will be in stasis for a while, but I'll keep things coming when and as I can.

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