The big “Live Earth” foolishness is over with, and I am not alone in thinking the whole thing was heavily flawed, that is if it served any useful purpose at all.
From my perspective, it was a typical publicity grab by a special interest group. You’re familiar with what road I think is paved with good intentions, but I’m not even sure about the purity of motives of Al Gore and his ilk. There are those who see these neo-environmentalists as the latest Commie threat to free enterprise, and I have to say the case can be made for that.
In any event, I do think that most of you will agree with me when I have a real problem with people who make a crapload more money than I ever will telling me what sort of sacrifices “we” are required to make. $2/L gas (or heating oil) might not bend Madonna or Al Gore out of shape, but those of us who live in the real world are already starting to see our standard of living (via disposable income) impacted by energy prices.
I am fully in accord that burning a lot of oil isn’t the best idea, but not for the same reasons. A possibility exists for a confluence of objectives between the pinko Global-Warming-the-world-will-end crowd and the hawkish let-the-Arabs-(including Iran and Chavez)-drink-their-oil school. This will not of course include kneecapping us economically, but a drive for better renewable and/or non-polluting energy sources and technology benefits everybody. Everyone, that is, except those self-loathing true believers who want to destroy Western civilization by screwing us over to the benefit of the rest of the world.
I’ll leave it you to identify them, but they’re very thinly disguised at best.
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