
Sunday, 20 April 2008

If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out.

This gaseous expulsion from YouTube was brought to my attention, so I felt the need to share.

This clown makes what I hold to be a totally inexcusable move; he claims his argument is irrefutable. I will leave it to you to pick up most of the problems with it, but the upshot is that he contends that the irreducible truth is that we have but one option, and that is to plunge the world into penury to avoid any possibility that the same thing (plus a drought/flood or two) arrives.

So, knee-capping the global economy and imposing an even more crushing level of government (presumably via some global agency) is to be done to avoid the social, political and economic disaster that would accompany the worst case of global warming. The only difference between his absolute worst case (which assumes everything the Gore-ians would have us all assume) and his best case is weather effects.

Sure those could be bad if you allow your imagination to run amok, but there is still NO REASON to think that any of these environmental "worst cases" have any foundation in reality. There is no PROOF that we can do anything more than poison ourselves with our byproducts, and economic and technological prosperity are our best defences against that known threat.

On this topic, out of idle curiosity I looked up the Environment Canada data on climate norms for my area. I won't spoil it, and I only looked up a couple of places, but I challenge you all to find a spot in Canada (since I trust EnviroCan to report the facts) where the majority of record warm temperatures fall later than the 1970s.

Anyway, watch clownboy's "Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See", and you will understand why I drop the gloves about respectful forms of address for this case. And don't ever tell me what I can't find an argument against; that was this guy's mistake.

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