
Thursday, 1 May 2008

Yeah, what he said...

My trolling of blogs with a lot more traffic than mine pays off again; this is a rather long interview with

Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Professor Emeritus Geology, Western Washington University, author of 8 books, 150 journal publications with focus on geomorphology; glacial geology; Pleistocene geochronology; environmental and engineering geology.

who has the background to put solid examples and his own (proper) research behind what he has to say.

What he has to say is the same thing that most people with any geology at all would say about our current climate hysteria, and he does a MUCH better job than amateurs like myself can. I know enough about this stuff to be able to tell that he's not full of shit, but I can't match the expertise of a professional in his/her own field.

The short version: it's that bright thing in the sky, you know, the hot ball of fusing hydrogen and helium. There's a lot more to it, to whit:

KLC: I could draw it myself, you have a peak in ’98 and it’s been flat or declining since then. The trend depends on where you start. They love starting in 1850…
DJE: That doesn’t work because there are 30-year cycles. The chairman of the IPCC admits we’ve had global cooling for at least eight years, and there are sources on the Internet, you’ve probably seen them, that show the IPCC folks are panicking.
KLC: Talk about an inconvenient fact…
DJE: On the temperature curve, 1998 was the high point, and this year, we’ve cooled dramatically. It’s been kind of flat for ten years, sort of a plateau, but if you take 1998 as your starting point, it’s down slightly, not soaring as predicted by IPCC.
KLC: Playing the devil’s advocate, if you start in the early 90’s, you would still have a positive trend.
DJE: If you want to be really honest about this, the curve should rise from 1977 and end after 1998. It depends on what you want to show and how you want to filter it. You can filter it with a two-year average, a five-year average, or over whatever period you want and you’ll get a differently-shaped curve. The point is, it has not gotten warmer since 1998; it has not continued to warm in the last ten years.

It's a bit long and slightly (though not excessively) technical, but if you have any interest either in what the climate is actually doing, or in the people trying to make a lot of money or/and destroy our technological society by panicking the sheep among us, you MUST read it.

The debate is not (ever) closed, but I think the interview speaks for itself, so I'm out for now.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Thank you for the link to the interview, it's much much appreciated, what a great read.

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so. This means I'll have to pay back all those credit cards. We were all supposed to die.