
Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Onward to 2009

I've been pondering the future of this space for some time. It being free and all means I lose nothing by leaving it fallow, "fallow" being hopefully the right word. I have stuff to say, but it seems increasingly like the same stuff, or close variations thereof which is less than motivating.

2008 has also on a personal level been not my best, but it being an anonymous blog even that isn't grist for the writing mill. In a small breach of that protocol, I did at least want to mention the passing today of my cat. Yes, my cat. She was with me for over 16 years, so her death (euthanized before she died of slow malnutrition due to diabetes, etc.) marks some sort of transition. Buggered if I know what, but it's a long time and deserves some more lasting mention than just telling people.

One thing I have hoped of this spot was to generate some discussion, but there was little or none of that. That isn't the end of the world, but even I get tired of listening to myself, so it's been tough to keep it going.

Things look like they may be stabilizing a bit for me in the new year (at least for a while), but either way I'll leave AotF up as long as Blogger will. I did some good stuff, and even my half-arsed pieces are worth reading, if only to note the deliberate logical lapses and other lazy things I do to try to get a rise out of "my" public. There may be more to come; in fact probably, but that requires spare time, Internet access and stuff that gets my goat.

The latter is abundant, but I really need all three to indulge this particular vanity/fancy. Don't hold your breath (sounds familiar; I think I've used it) but keep this spot in your peripheral vision, or at least the rear view mirror, 'cause it's not dead just yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your cat ...