
Saturday, 2 January 2010

Mixed news at the end of the 'Naughties

As per the link, the long awaited attempt on the life of Kurt Westergaard by a Muslim fanatic has been foiled. This one at least; I can only hope that they send any others to their just reward.

Al Queda hasn't exactly been knocking them out of the park of late, so I hope the losing streak continues although I have to say our side isn't doing as much as it should to help them along. AQ claimed responsibility for the "johnson bomber" (credit apparently to Mrs Roberta Pournelle for the term) who only managed to castrate himself with his explosive underwear. I'd keep my mouth shut about that were I them, but it takes all kinds.

The panicky response of the TSA and other security brain trusts is a victory for all of our enemies. The adage "he who defends everything, defends nothing" comes to mind, but the security theatre keeps a lot of people with nothing better to do off the street and employed. Not much of a silver lining as we get full-body scans and have to sit immobile for the last hour of flights. I can always hope that things will settle out to a reasonable balance of risk policy, but given human nature that is not something I'll put money on.

For Canada, the year closed on the loss of four more of our soldiers and a reporter in Afghanistan. This was while looking at a project to improve the quality of life in a village that we have taken on, and is not the first time these recipients of our "hearts and minds" largesse have failed to warn us about IEDs planted around their village. It's a bloody good thing for them that I'm not in charge of a response to those "lapses".

Things are unlikely to improve there, however many troops the Americans fly in. The point to take from this particular loss is that all of these men were part of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) which is the part that will be remaining (in one form or another) after the Battlegroup is stood down in 2011. Work is already being done to pull our gear back to Canada, so the sooner the better. There has to be somewhere else that we can actually make a long-term difference.

The Copenhagen conference on "climate change" ended in fiasco, the best of probable outcomes from my perspective. Those clowns are an unholy alliance of greens, big/world-government proponents, white-guilt flagellants and Luddite anarchists (to name a few) and nothing that even a plurality of them would agree on could be good for our tottering First-World economies and societies. This link from WUWT gives you some idea which direction I think things are going in, and the evidence for it is becoming overwhelming, even to the wilfully blind "Mainstream Media". I'd say there's more work to be done to debunk their pernicious twaddle about CO2 and warming, but Nature does not, never did, and never will wait on us.

We do keep muddling through, and I will continue to do what I can. Happy New Year to my few faithful readers and anyone else who chances by.

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