I pondered something about Iran and how to deal with that situation (nukes, particularly, government in general) but I lack enthusiasm for that at the moment. No, the thing that increasingly steams my beans is the growing oppression we in the formerly free West are being subjected to. For the moment this is mostly a problem in the increasingly totalitarian USA, but the virus spreads to our ruling class every time the Yanks touch down on our soil.
Most recently, and not at all close to home, is Obama's performance in L.A. when his peeps shut down entire neighbourhoods for hours so his O-ness could hold a fundraiser at a supporter's house. This has definite parallels with the recent G20/G8 foolishness in Toronto, and outrageous police-state security is de rigeur every time the Americans are involved.
Security and paranoia go hand-in-glove, and both are MAJOR industries in the US. The harsh truth is that when you're up against suicide bombers, no amount to security is foolproof. Certainly most domestic threats against Western aren't at that level, so the shutting down of entire sections of any visited municipality is overkill from either end of the threat spectrum.
Secrecy, swiftness and frequent changes of plan are the keys to minimizing exposure to hostile action. Dates are rarely secret but times can be fudged, routes can be varied, and all it will take is a standard police escort for the VIP convoy. This applies only of course if effectiveness and economy of effort/minimal public disruption are the objectives.
There is however that pesky evidence that keeping "the Principal" safe is not the primary purpose; rather it's keeping the hoi poloi (us) in their place. Tune your news antennae to "egregious security overreach" and I'm sure you'll see more of this, certainly with the current American Imperial house.
1 comment:
Best comment I've seen about this sort of behaviour is by this guy:
Stephen Harper deliberately "made a bloody mess" of downtown Toronto not only because he could, but because doing so made him feel strong; exercising the power to order 19,000 armed men and women is a form of magical thinking which he "and his buddies" feel will translate into the power to order about the economy and the weather.
Consciously or not, Toronto was turned into an armed camp, because our 'leaders' foresee a time when brute force will be all they have to hold on to the reigns of their illusory power.
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