
Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Pastor Terry Jones is an Info Ops genius.

Opening statement: religious wackos of any stripe are intolerant idiots, and Terry Jones of Gainesville Florida certainly fits the bill. He has also however proved the point he was trying to make more perfectly than I could have planned.

His point is that Islam is evil and violent. One would hope that "The Religion of Peace" would step up and prove him wrong, but again it shows its' true colours. The plan (Jones') is to burn a crapload of Korans on Sept 11 2010 in memory of the people killed in the 9/11 attacks, and all sorts of people are running for cover because of what enraged Muslims will do in response.

General Petraeus has caved to these terrorists previously, throwing Israel to the wolves and blaming them for getting Americans killed, so it's no stretch that he's running scared again. Yes, I said the hero of Iraq is a coward and I'd say it to his face about this subject. If Muslims attack American troops because of this burning thing, there will be no blood on Terry Jones' hands. I can't say as much for Gen. Petraeus as he continues to embolden people to make intemperate demands about how us infidels should behave toward our Muslim betters.

The traditional word is "appeasement", and ask the Czechs in 1938 and the rest of Europe a few years later how well that played with the Nazis. Books are cheap and readily available, so burning them is no crime against humanity, merely stupid and inflammatory (literally and figuratively). Jones and his minuscule flock (c. 30 people) will not harm a hair on anyone's head unless they get too close to the bonfire.

Sure they'll piss people off, but they have a legal right (for the moment) to do that in their country. They have threatened no violence to anyone, let alone Muslims worldwide. I see video of the usual rent-a-crowd in Muslim countries protesting and burning American flags and effigies, and that's a proportional response, if you feel you must make one. On the gripping hand, saying over and over again that you'll kill Americans wherever you find them is a strong argument for Jones' postulate that "Islam is of the Devil", because we all know that they mean what they say.

This is international news, caused by a tiny Church and a Facebook page that at this writing had 12,484 "likes". If this was an Info Op to expose an entire religion as spawning dangerous lunatics it would be a brilliant success. I'm pretty sure this latest black eye for Islam is a by-product of a small group of yahoos in the Bible Belt, but yahoos or not, they're on to something here.


Anonymous said...

Terry Jones is a jackass lol

Anonymous said...

Nutjobs blow up the WTC, destroying not only a bunch of qur'ans what were in the buildings, but also the mosque within. Those nutjobs get honeycakes and virgins.

Another justjob cuts out the middleman, and just heads straight for the qur'ans. He gets bad press. Where's the justice?

Emily Shorette said...

You're right---"pastor" Terry Jones is indeed a nutjob on this sorry planet. *sigh*

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