Today's link shows the really narrow interpretation of Islam that must be followed to not be branded a heretic. The Deobandis and Wahabbis have been killing Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and other kafirs for fourteen centuries or so, so there are no real surprises. Since they've driven most others out they will attack anyone who doesn't toe Mullah/Imam so-and-so's line, which of course shifts according to who gets the theological upper hand.
So the Sufis, a particularly non-offensive group as a whole, are taking a pounding from the mainstream in many Islamic countries, notably in Iran and (as evidenced by today's news) in Pakistan. Again nothing new, but it does appear to be getting worse with the more widespread use of suicide bombers.
Sufis consider themselves Muslims, so you can see what the rest of us are up against. It's literally "convert or die" for these clowns, so the burning of books is really a red herring. I think "Pastor" Jones should do a monthly Koran burning on Youtube. Even better, make a bonfire of an example of all of of the major religions' texts, including his own. That will show you where the "extreme bigotry and intolerance" (Obama's take on the Koran burning) really lies. They're just books, not even the ideas within the books, and nobody should die over some easily replaceable paper.
There is no excuse for the Muslim violence that erupts over every perceived "slight". My message to all religious extremists: suck it up, I'm not scared of your outbursts.

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