
Monday, 25 June 2012

Some actual "science" in the Climate Wars

"Global Warming" has been losing steam (ahem) for some time now as people realize that the dire predictions of environmental Armageddon have not been manifesting as prophesied. Here is one of the biggest Green prophets recanting in the face of facts. I wish this wasn't noteworthy, but here we are.

Two months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change. The implications were extraordinary.

Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory — that the Earth operates as a single, living organism — has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.

Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honoured working scientist and academic.

Here's the money part:

Lovelock still believes anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions, but says it’s now clear the doomsday predictions, including his own (and Al Gore’s) were incorrect.

He responds to attacks on his revised views by noting that, unlike many climate scientists who fear a loss of government funding if they admit error, as a freelance scientist, he’s never been afraid to revise his theories in the face of new evidence. Indeed, that’s how science advances.

Emphasis mine. If you don't revise your theories in the face of new facts, that's dogma, not science. Therefore the "consensus" on "Climate Change" is... Here's a part I particularly like:

As he puts it, “so-called ‘sustainable development’ … is meaningless drivel … We rushed into renewable energy without any thought. The schemes are largely hopelessly inefficient and unpleasant. I personally can’t stand windmills at any price.”

I wonder how many of the people who advocate wind power live anywhere near a wind turbine; anecdotally, everyone who lives near them that I've heard of HATES them. The mere sight of them makes me angry, I guess as a symbol of oppressive "Green" religion and a lack of critical thinking.

In any event, Loveleock has been very influential and the hope is that this will undermine the Gores etc. and make some erstwhile environmentalists actually think. I don't hold out a lot of hope for that as the facts were available before, but every little bit helps. More nuclear power and natural gas, and no more wind turbines and solar farms; abundant clean energy is what will allow us to survive. The universe is about what works, not what appeals to your sense of "social justice".

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