
Monday, 13 August 2012

Mamelukes out, stupid politics in (as always)

I saw this coming but I hoped to be wrong, and "here we go" as said previously. The Army could still stand up and run a counter-coup against Mursi, but the moral is to the material as three is to one. All of the moral (morale) is on the side of the Brotherhood, the Army seems to have lost its' mojo.

Ok, what else is happening right now? The Olympics (London 2012) wrapped up yesterday without anything blowing up, so I'll count that as a win for our side. Syria is dragging out longer than Libya did earlier this year/last year which shows you what a difference it makes not having a major power (Ok, the USA) throwing in on one side. It's turning into a three or four-sided proxy war with the CIA arming some of the rebels, the Saudis et al arming the Islamist ones, Iran backing the Assad regime and the Turks worrying about the increasingly autonomous-looking Kurdish area along their border.

Closer to home, the low and high points of Canadian politics there will soon be a Provincial election in Quebec, and the Parti Quebecois (PQ) is promising to crack down on the use of English in Quebec. There are regressive forces everywhere so we can only hope that the PQ don't get back in, but we've heard this tune before and survived.

Also with Canadian news, this time with an international bent, the Europeans are trying to get us to pony up cash to bail out their poor relations. PM Harper is so far holding firm on the "no" to that and I hope that line is maintained. I see no reason whatsoever that anyone, let alone countries with no direct connection to the "Eurozone" should spend their taxpayers' money bailing out people who couldn't be bothered to balance a budget.

I thought I had more on all of this, and certainly if I was discussing all of this with people I'd have more to say, but I'm not so I don't. So There.

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