
Saturday 18 November 2006

RIP: George Blackburn, MC

The news item gives the big picture, but I had the chance to meet him a few weeks ago. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity, and men of his generation are passing quickly these days. I've had the chance to meet a number of WW2 veterans, (my grandfathers included of course) and if any of you are interested in a more active connection with that bit of history I suggest you talk to some of these guys before the opportunity passes forever.

George's books are highly recommended (and not just by me), and tell a remarkable story of a normal man who managed to beat the odds of a very dangerous front-line job (Artillery Forward Observation Officer or FOO) and survive longer in that position in NW Europe than pretty much anybody else. This is a link to an item on George and his wartime signaller Mel Squissato (whom I also had the pleasure to talk to a few weeks back) in The Netherlands last year.

He had a good run, and had a lot of "fans" in the Canadian military and elsewhere, so I'd say it was a life well-lived and he departed on as good a note as possible. The memorial service is in Ottawa today, and although I can't be there I'm sure it will be well attended. He will be remembered, as will all of our soldiers who didn't (and won't) make it home, just as George himself wished.

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