
Wednesday 13 December 2006

Cold-Warriors and the holiday slowdown

Ok, the pace of posts is flagging somewhat, so I’ll see what I can dredge up.

Well, General Pinochet is dead. I don’t know a whole lot about the events leading up to or the reality of the communist threat posed by Allende, but I will say that Chile isn’t another Cuba. I have my own views on how to deal with threats (quickly and mercilessly if possible) and apparently I’m not the only one.

It was a different time, and the possibility of a communist regime arising from a democratically elected “socialist” government was real. We’ll never know if that would have happened, but we do know that it didn’t; it’s one of the CIA’s few successful coups, and the only one in a “real” country. We can see the way that Chavez is headed in Venezuela and know that the foolishness continues.

Interestingly at the same time that’s all happening, another Cold War stalwart is on his way out. In standard style Fidel's health is kept secret but there is a sign that his brother will try to shake the Cuba-US deadlock loose. The Americans are famously slow to give up the grudge (Libya in 1993, anyone?) so predictions are that they’ll stay true to form and drag things out unnecessarily.

I’m finding it difficult to get really worked up about a lot of things that are happening, so it’ll likely be a slow month for any of you who actually read this. There are a few goodies that I’ve trolled, like this holiday gem: I do wonder who has the time and inclination to post all this stuff, but I’m sometimes happy that they do.

I’ll leave it there for now, but in case I’m not back before then, a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, a good Solstice, and anything else I’ve missed. I should have something else to say before New Years though…

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