
Sunday, 11 March 2007

Good fences make good neighbours

In order to keep things as close to balanced as I can (or care to, it is MY blog, after all…) I’d like to take this opportunity to point out a Muslim group in Canada that is working on being a good neighbour.

The Muslim Canadian Congress was featured in a CBC National report on 9 March 07, and I have to say they come off looking a lot better than their shaggy-bearded opponents. This means that there is a nucleus of disestablishmentarian Muslims who are more interested in the benefits that Canada offers than in changing it to be just like the benighted “old country”.

These are the sort of immigrants our country wants and needs, and there are a lot of them of various faiths (or lacks thereof) throughout the world. This applies to any “western” country of course, and it’s well within our abilities (and laws) to see that the bad apples are the tiny exception and not a sizable minority.

There is the problem of course, mentioned before, that those willing to cut throats or otherwise threaten more accommodating elements are likely to carry the day through intimidation. There is a lot of eyewash about “dialogue” with interfaith groups, but amid the hand-wringing there are nuggets, such as the MCC here that (appear to) actually stand for the chance to work within the system, rather than subverting it. Be warned that I’ve not done a lot of research on them, but they’re looking good so far.

So, there we go; all the world isn’t an unremitting struggle of mostly good against dark-age barbarians. However, divide and conquer works very effectively against us and our allies, so we have to identify like-minded people and support them before it really turns into that. Like in Europe, for example…

I’m feeling a touch feverish today, so that’s as much as I can keep it together for. More to follow.

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