
Thursday 2 December 2010

Wikileaks II, the early days.

At this time everyone not living under a rock (without a sat phone, anyway) has heard about the c> 250K documents released on Wikileaks. I don't intend to get down in the weeds about it, but there are a few fundamental things.

Firstly, the US serviceman who compiled and released all of this to Wikileaks is going to go away for a LONG time, and this is as it should be. An example needs to be made and it'll be this guy who richly deserves a long stint in Leavenworth for having betrayed the trust of the organization who paid him, if nothing else.

Secondly, this Julian Assange can run, but he can't hide. As of this writing he's still on the lam from the U.S. and InterPol, but with those two groups looking for you good luck finding a place to hide unless you're buddies with Bin Laden. He thinks he's really clever, and I'm sure there are a lot of fellow travelers who think he's great, but if anything good comes from this it won't be by Assange's design.

Thirdly (a big one) the revelations. The Saudis wanting the Yanks to attack Iran are not surprising to anyone who pays attention to what goes on in the world (some history helps too), but there are a few things that are at least unconsidered. I like that the Israelis told Abbas about Op CAST LEAD, but he didn't bother to tell Hamas. No love lost between those factions to be sure, but more co-operation between Israel and the West Bank than I had supposed.

Lots of stuff, none of it super secret (basic security clearance in the forces is Secret) and I'll wait for the dust to settle some more before I comment further. Feel free to speculate amongst yourselves...

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