
Saturday 4 June 2011

Come see the stablity inherent to the system!

Yes, a Monty Python mis-quote, but this fool's deluded bit of political theatre will not accomplish her stated aim.

Though she was immediately fired from the sought-after position, Marcelle said she doesn't regret upstaging the government on its coming out day in Ottawa.

In fact, Marcelle, who is also a theatre performer, called on people across the country to stage Canada's own version of the "Arab Spring" and stand up to the recently-elected Conservative majority government.

"This is the only way we're going to see real change," Marcelle told CTV News Channel, as she conceded that Harper's majority government will hold parliamentary sway for the next four years.

I could in fact make a case for sedition and according criminal charges, but she got off lightly with being fired from her job. "Stand up" to the elected government? That was what the ELECTION was for you stupid bint. I am being particularly insulting to this person because of what she represents, which is the school of "the election gave the 'wrong' result, so it's invalid".

It's not quite anarchism or nihilism, but what it is is dangerous to civil society and the rule of law. There are plenty of people who don't like our "first past the post" election system, but there are two solutions for them:

  1. go somewhere that has a system you like better, I won't get in your way, or;

  2. elect a government that will do away with the system that got them elected (bon chance).
Promoting popular uprisings to bring down the government is the definition of sedition (OCD) and shilling these "Arab Spring" things to do so is both disloyal to the people who were paying her and shows a lack of any kind of sense. I have met these people in university and beyond, and it doesn't surprise me that they know nothing of the laws of the land and our principles of government. As a refresher, the Canadian government is founded on Peace, Order and Good Government.

Again that word "change". Beware idealists throwing that around. I want to know what exactly it is that you want to see, and if you won't tell me then you can't possibly be better than the status quo. Oh, here it is:

"I think that Harper's agenda is so damaging that it called for something that is different," she said. "I think we really need to take action."

A bit overblown at the very least. I don't see any internment camps, conscription, repealing of the Charter of Rights or anything that isn't merely reinforcing something we're already doing or removing something that the Liberals have decided we needed ((non-restricted gun registry, pour example). Keeping the economy at the top of the G8 is not "damaging" in my books, neither is paring back the bloated Public Service. Government must give good value for tax money, and live within those means. The more of that Stephen Harper's government accomplishes, the more it does what those of us (minority or not) who voted for them wanted them to do.

So have your protests within the law if you'd like to, but your chance to change the government was lost when everyone who wanted to "stop Harper" failed to unite on that principle. In standard bell curve fashion Left, Centre and Right each take up roughly 1/3 of the population; if 2/3 of the left-centre couldn't get together then, tough Twinkies until the next election. I only hope that this Marcelle is banned from Government employment for life; that would give her lots of time to plot the overthrow of the state, but at least I wouldn't be paying her for it.

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