
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Moving on; what next?

Canada's front-line fighting role in Afghanistan officially ended Tuesday when soldiers of the Royal 22e Regiment handed battlefield combat responsibilities over to the Americans.

Almost all Canadian troops are out of Kandahar's dangerous combat zones, except for a few soldiers who are attached to American platoons for a few more weeks.

Canada's war in Afghanistan is now effectively over after five years of fighting throughout farmland and dusty villages in one of the country's most dangerous areas. It cost Canada the lives of 157 soldiers, one diplomat and one journalist, not to mention the many soldiers left with life-altering injuries.

I'll have some more to say about this later, but I'm happy that we're away from this tar baby. I'm apprehensive about the future of the Canadian Army without the fire this lit under it, but I guess we'll see. Hopefully wherever we go next will be more important to our national interests (or at least capable of really helping some people in a permanent fashion) than our other current entanglement in Libya.


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