
Monday 22 August 2011

The End of The Beginning in Libya

OK, I'm back, and there seems to be some movement on the Libyan front so I'll start there.

The rebels are fighting out in the streets of Tripoli as I write this, and Gaddaffi is nowhere to be seen. Between his own stupidity over the years and the now-standard announcements about sending Col. Gadfly to the International Criminal Court, he has nowhere to run, rumours of him being in Algeria notwithstanding. Nobody really reads Sun Tzu, so of course these guys will fight to the end.

I still hold that NATO has no business involved in any of this, but there we are. We can hope that some good comes of this, as the Gaddaffi clan will not be missed, unless the place pulls a post-Saddam Iraq and degenerates into chaos of course.

Assad in Syria is still misbehaving (arguably much worse than anything Gaddaffi has ever done), so we'll see in the near future how important this "humanitarian" intervention stuff is to our side. Leaving for the moment the whole Axis of Evil business with Iran and Hezbollah, best current public estimates of the civilian death toll in Syria is 2200 since the populace decided it has had enough. Turkey is the only power, regional or otherwise to be making any moves in relation to this, the rest of NATO nowhere to be seen.

Oh well, plus ca change and all. These situations have room to change significantly so I will ease into it. If you're still here, thanks, and I'll be back with more soon.

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