More tripe about terrorists using Canadian passports for convenience. That whole family is trouble, and the fewer of them in the country, the happier a lot of people would be. But of course we can’t trample the rights of the poor dears, can we?
I won’t rehash all of the reasons why it’s a bad idea for people like this (they’re lamentably not alone) to be given a free pass here, but I will put it to you to ask yourself who feels sympathy for this junior sociopath?
Omar Khadr was perfectly capable of killing a US Army medic while still a “Young Offender”, and was part of the Islamist scum that continue to try to keep Afghanistan and other countries in a Wahabbist dark age. The whole group of them are deep into this crap, and yet the former government decided to let them in.
Despite the “concerns” of the kid’s appointed military lawyer, I’m in no hurry for the Canadian government to bail this boil-on-society’s-ass out of Gitmo. Personally, I think he should be put down like the rabid animal he is, but if you’re of a more sporting bent, maybe send him back to Afghanistan where our troops can get another crack at him when he goes back to his old buddies…
Can you tell I’m in a bad mood today? A little more spleen than usual, but hey, why pull punches? I don’t have a lot of other stuff that cries out for comment, but there is a lot happening in the US that could make things the wrong kind of interesting should certain people (like Nancy Pelosi and crew) get more power than they currently have.
I will also over the next few days try to expand the list of links to include a lot of the other blogs that I read, usually linking to them from some of the ones already here. All of this info is out there, and a lot of these spots link further to many interesting sources. Like any sources, they have to be considered, but those of us with a bent for critical analysis can usually smell the B.S. a long way off. These guys usually make sense to me, so I’ll leave it to you.
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