
Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Making Friends and Influencing People

As much as some people are likely being given an undeserved hard time, I actually take this report as a GOOD sign. Why is that, you may ask? It’s because it looks like Canadians, real, man-on-the-street type Canadians, are getting sick of being told that our way of life isn’t good enough.

I don’t think that if I went to a Muslim country and started whining that my rights were infringed because I couldn’t get Christmas or Easter off that anything (good) would come of it. This country was founded by Europeans (yes, I know we weren’t here first) and theirs is the set of traditions and CULTURE that our system is based on. I capitalize “culture” because I am more than sick of being told either that I have none or than mine has to give over to someone else’s.

This being a CBC report, there is the usual bleeding-heart foolishness. I am 100% certain that my reaction to this report is not what they had in mind, but a critical appraisal of some of the “problems” these oppressed types are dealing with fails to tug at my heartstrings. No women-only hours at the gym, “inconvenient” prayer rooms and having to wash in the (gasp!) public washrooms before prayer; hardly the end of the world. If your faith is so important that you need everything around you to conform to it, I suggest you go somewhere that won’t be an inconvenience for everyone else. But wait, women can’t go to those universities with men at all, can they?

As for “Muslim women cannot take their hijab off in front of men”, that is just for the fundamentalists, and is NOT an essential tenet of Islam. Who exactly is making these complaints?

Well, if you hearken back a couple of posts to the Muslim Canadian Congress, the same sort of people are threatening the MCC. I was listening to the radio this evening, and the leaders of that organization are being threatened with death (“slaughter” was the actual word left in the message). These are the same strain of Islamism that is poisoning most of the world right now, and it’s not a new thing either.

I haven’t finished the book yet (started it today, after all) but I am reading “God’s Terrorists” by Charles Allen. The most interesting (though hardly surprising) thing I’ve read in it so far is the enmity that Wahabbism has engendered within (and without) the Muslim world from its’ earliest inception. Military action was taken by the Ottomans as well as the Raj, but never enough to exterminate it, if such a thing is possible. Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are but the latest adherents of this violent and repressive cult.

That crew, the death-worshiping, beheading lot that they are, is what a lot of kufars like myself think of these days when the words “Islam” or Muslim” are mentioned. The reason is simple; they’re getting almost all the press, and are doing their damnedest to take over the world. That last bit is not in any way an exaggeration; read some of their tripe for yourself if you doubt it.

So, again; this is a secular country with a Common Law based on a Judeo-Christian tradition. Anyone who wants to live by those laws is welcome here. Our institutions reflect that, as they should. Your religion has no part of the law, since you’re not bloody special, and the rest of us don’t want to be marginalized for your sake. What’s that line? Oh yeah, if you don’t like it here, go somewhere else. I don’t care if you WERE born here; play nice or get lost.

Rant, rant, rant. In lighter reading, I also just finished “Ender’s Shadow” (Orson Scott Card) and before that was “The Peshawar Lancers” (Steve Stirling). Yes, I do read for fun occasionally too…

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