t has not escaped my notice that I am a minority viewpoint in today's
society. This doesn't make me doubt myself or my views, as they are based on
observation of the world as it is, not as I think it should be.
This it could be said is the difference between a conservative and other
people, and indeed, this article makes that point:
It continues to draw disturbing parallels between past purges of "undesirable"
elements of society by various "progressive" regimes of the past and
the thought-crime policing which is going on today, but you can read it there.
I'd like to say that I think the author is off his rocker/meds but I
really can't. We're not at Reign of Terror level yet, but having
unfashionable (but harmless) ideas can cost you your job, no small thing in
today's economy. Of course this is a small price to pay for a better world,
The word utopia means literally "no place" since
perfection cannot exist in human affairs. Make things better? Certainly better,
but perfect? No. That is my troglodyteist conservativeness speaking of course,
because after a certain point the quest for "equality" becomes a
zero-sum game. More women in the workplace equals less men in it; not a
misogynist rant, simple math. Should we hobble the potential of 50% of the
population to maintain someone's advantage? I'd say no, take all the best and
brightest. Well, then that disadvantages the dim and useless.
It's easy to see how equality of outcome is completely separate from
equality of opportunity, as with true equality of opportunity the cream will
rise to the top of whatever you're looking at. If you game the opportunity,
making it "more equal" for some, it descends into farce with manifold
unintended consequences. Quotas and "affirmative action" undermine
any confidence in the products of a system, as you can never be sure of the
quality of any member of the preferred groups. Were I a black neurosurgeon I
would really resent this. Meritocracy is problematic for those who don't make
the cut, but I bloody well want my doctors and engineers selected by that
Freedom of speech is if not dead at least gravely wounded, mainly
because if you don't toe the line you'll be shouted down. Nobody debates any
more as they are either too certain that they know everything or afraid to
state their real views in public. None of this is new under the sun, and Voltaire would likely recognize the constraints
of the current regime, having had his run-ins with l'ancien. That's
progress for you.
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