Honestly I don't know where to turn right now, the world is spinning out
in so many places. It is of course of no import to the grand scheme whether I'm
tracking everything or not, but it is a big deal (it turns out) when the USA
can't do it.
I am profoundly unimpressed with the current POTUS, but it is not a
partisan or ideological attack I make when I say that he is worse-than useless
in his current job. "Worse-than" for a number of reasons, but
particularly since leadership of the (still) most powerful nation in the world is a zero-sum game,
i.e. if he's occupying the top position nobody more capable can be.
The USA has a number of internal problems, being deeply indebted (mostly
to their greatest strategic rival) being one of them, but their ability to
project power is still unrivalled. Things would certainly be different on the foreign
policy front were G.W. Bush still in charge, but since that can't happen (even
if it were advisable and I don't suggest that) would things be any better
around the world had Romney won the last Presidential election?
Let's start by enumerating the bigger strategic threats to the US and
various other distractions, in descending order.
Threat #3: China's encroachment in the South China Sea and environs
In the big picture this is hugely destabilizing to world trade and the
economic development of countries in the region. It is also something only the
US Navy can be an effective counterweight to. There was a "pivot to
Asia" bruited about recently, but again just saying something doesn't make it
true. The Chinese aren't playing around here, and if you want to
stop them you’d better be prepared to park a carrier task force over the
Spratleys or Paracells, etc. in support of the most legitimate national claim
under international law. And use it if push comes to shove.
I rank this one in last place for strategic threats, but it approaches zero
if you decide to let the Chinese run the area. There are hundreds of millions
of people on that region who would rather that didn't happen, for whatever
that's worth.
Threat #2: The Islamic State, formerly Sunni Iraq and eastern Syria
ISIS/L has metastasized into a regional jihadist vortex, drawing in
violent Muslim extremists from around the region and increasingly around the
globe. They are firewalled in the north by the Kurds and nervously watched from
all other points of the compass, the Shia government of rump Iraq and Iran
doing the closest thing to heavy lifting right now.
The US didn't want to get involved in Syria, and I don't fault that
since we are seeing with the looting of military stores in Mosul a Salafist
organization with American military equipment, something widely predicted
should the US arm the Syrian rebels. Turns out it happened anyway since the US
backed the wrong horse (Maliki) in Iraq.
No however is the time to start whacking those jihadi moles. It's not a
free-fire zone but the next best thing which is a great chance to kill a whole
lot of assholes the world could really do without. This would be light on boots
on the ground but could be used judiciously in support of limited goals, e.g.
securing the Jordanian and Kurdish border areas. You support the outposts of
civilization in the region but learn the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan and
eschew the nation-building part of it. Killing them there prevents them from
coming here.
Threat # 1: The Border
Central America is coming apart and people in desperation are sending
their children north to the US in belief (well-founded if not technically
accurate) that they won't be deported. Obama is trying hard to bury his head in
the sand over this one, but with 350,000+ immigration cases backed up
in US courts and upwards of 60K unaccompanied minors this year alone
fetching up along the Rio Grande things are well out of hand.
Bleeding hearts who would abolish the border (another pesky "social
construct" to be wiped out no doubt) have zero grasp of basic math, but
let me put this in the starkest terms I can. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE
WORLD. Specifically, there are too many people in the world with lower
standards of living than we (working and middle class Westerners) have, about 5
Billion of them. They can't all come to the developed countries or those
countries will cease to function as developed countries, and the whole world
will look like Nigeria (failing state) or worse. Think the L.A. from Elysium without the space habitat.
What to do? Start with enforcing the immigration laws already on the
books. Then, dismantle the "War on Drugs" and send all those
resources into Central America to clean out the root causes of the panic
immigration. Bugger going after the drug distribution networks, just shoot-on-sight
anyone on the streets with a gun. Go after the guns and kill with
extreme prejudice any of the gang-bangers who want to fight it out. The US can
put together intelligence cells to track insurgent groups better than anyone
else, and I can make a case that stabilizing Central America (and ceasing to
fuck with Mexico) would do more for the medium to long-term security of the US
than the Middle East, possibly even China..
- Ukraine
is setting into a counter-insurgency phase and at the moment (some rumours
aside) the Russians have backed off. As I hypothesized a while back, Putin
has taken the low-hanging fruit (Crimea) but realizes that the Donbas is
more trouble than it's worth. This keeps things on NATO's radar, but it is
now mostly a European problem.
- Africa.
There is a persistent Ebola (variant) outbreak in West Africa which
deserves having an eye kept on it, and the continent is still awash in
jihadi groups (AQIM, and Boko Haram the most visible) who need pruning.
- Afghan
elections/final drawdown/status of forces. Karzai's out, but the
squabbling commences over alleged fraud and run-offs.
The big and the small all require leadership, the sort that believes in
what they're doing. Since Obama only objective was to dismantle US power
projection he's largely managed that, but it doesn't really get troops or the
population rallying around the flag for some dirty work overseas, or even in
your own back yard. Romney is looking prescient for his attitude toward Russia, even if I disagree on the threat Russia really presents to us. More of a mystery is domestic politics, but we know Romney knos how to run things so I really think he was the President the US needed, but instead they got the one they deserve. Do better next time America, for you own sake as well as the world.
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