
Friday 15 September 2006

Canadian political opportunism

I don’t know why I even bother, but I do have to say something about the political reaction to the latest shooting spree in Montreal.

Because this clown used a gun, the usual suspects are calling for the retention of the Long gun Registry in Canada. This law, for those who don’t know, relates to things like hunting rifles, shotguns, and other low-magazine-capacity, bolt/pump/lever or semi-automatic weapons.

It has come out that the weapon used, a Beretta CX4 Storm 9mm carbine was a restricted weapon that the shooter acquired legally and was registered according to the law. Thus, retaining the expensive, inefficient boondoggle of a non-restricted firearms registry would have no bearing on an exact repeat of this event, nor would it have had any impact on this crime.

Some sociopath slipped through the system and decided to take a bunch of other people with him as he committed suicide. That’s what happened, and all of it was against the laws we already have (murder and all), so more laws aren’t likely to have helped, just given him more to break.

Again I’m disgusted that politicians are trying to make political capital from bloodshed, but that’s what they do.

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