
Sunday 17 September 2006

Ice Fishing in Hell

I didn’t think I’d see the day that I would be supporting the Pope, but that day has come.

Actually, I’d like him to tell the idiots demanding an apology for a QUOTE taken (deliberately) out of context to get stuffed, but he did the next best thing by only saying he was “sorry“ that they were upset. An old tactic of mine when I wanted to avoid trouble, but had no intention of retracting what I’d said. Well, maybe this will rile up enough Catholics to balance the equation a bit, but I doubt it.

It’s been said many other places, but I’ll put myself in the same camp; if there are any “moderate” Muslims left, I’d like someone to explain to me why every perceived slight to Islam calls for a death sentence. It’s probably in the Koran somewhere, but I think that just makes it even less likely that the West and what passes for Islam most places today will be able to live in harmony.

Free speech, or at least the ability to say things and not be sentenced to death over them, is a key element of functional democracies. Democracy of course is the worst form of government except for all the others, so I’d rather we stuck with it. If you have a problem with people saying things you don’t agree with, to the point you’ll lay a Fatwah on their ass every time, I suggest you stay out of countries (like mine) which don’t operate that way.

A snippet I culled from reports on this; “hundreds” of people were reported to have protested in major cities in Iran. Hundreds, eh? Seems the Revolution’s novelty has worn off…

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