
Saturday 15 July 2006

Plus ca change...

Well, with my initial experiment on the MSN blog thing a partial success I thought I'd move over here. I have a job where I'm not supposed to comment on some things, but I feel like doing it anyway, so a bit more anonymity won't hurt.

Of course, I'm not operating in high security mode, or I wouldn't be putting ANYTHING in public. I just like to rant, and if I can't do that at work, well I'm going to do it somewhere...

That said, if anyone figures out (or knows 'cause I told them!) who I am and/or who I work for (it won't be hard) anything said here is MY OPINION ONLY and in no way represents anyone or anything other than me personally. A lot of it is just me running off at the mouth, and I've had all sorts of ideas over the years that I know a lot better than to try and implement.

I'll move a few of my back posts over here to save me some work (I have other things to do than troll the net, after all) and you can see what I have going on. When you figure it out, please tell me, as I have no detailed plan for this at all.

One thing that will be apparent by the time you get here is that yes, I am a big Kipling fan, particularly his verse. His output was huge and very diverse, and with his range of life experiences and exposures, he has something to say about almost everything, especially if you can "adjust for inflation". For the namesake of my space go here . I can draw a lot of parallels from it to our (Western Civilization's) current "War on Terror" in Afghanistan and Iraq, but I leave it to the alert reader to make up their own mind, as always.

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