
Monday 11 October 2010

If you're against us, you're against us

In order to breathe some life back into AotF, I'm going to leaven it with shorter aggregator-type posts. To whit:
The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has endorsed (Arabic) (English translation by MEMRI) anti-American Jihad and pretty much every element in the al-Qaida ideology book. Since the Brotherhood is the main opposition force in Egypt and Jordan as well as the most powerful group, both politically and religiously, in the Muslim communities of Europe and North America this is pretty serious stuff.

By the way, no one can argue that he merely represents old, tired policies of the distant past because the supreme guide who said these things was elected just a few months ago. His position reflects current thinking.

It's interesting that this comes when it does. America is staggering a bit, but that doesn't mean it can't come back. Of course the opposition's plan is to keep them on the ropes until they collapse (best case) or at least lose the strength to keep the MB under control in the Middle East and Europe. However this also comes at a time when Europeans are waking up and getting angry at their political classes for not representing their fears about Islam taking over European culture.

Multiculturalism is dead in Europe or at least dying, and Europe won't go quietly, at least not just yet. If we can stop this nihilistic self-loathing, we can take these MB mofos; there was a time when we knew what to do with a declaration of war.

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