
Sunday 10 October 2010

Nobody expects the Climate Inquisition!

This will get zero mainstream media exposure, but I will do my small part to shine a light into the dark crevices of the "climate change" debate. I recommend that you read Prof Lewis' letter in its' entirety, but first his credentials and (more importantly) experience.

Harold Lewis
is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on Nuclear Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Former member, President's Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee; Chairman APS study on Nuclear Reactor Safety
Chairman Risk Assessment Review Group; Co-founder and former Chairman of JASON; Former member USAF Scientific Advisory Board; Served in US Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk (about, surprise, technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about decision making)

The rote rebuttal of the Luddite "climate" lobby is that "he's not a climate scientist". Just like Freeman Dyson, he will be conveniently judged an imbecile in all matters not his credentialed specialty.

The climate lobby is mutating itself and its positions as fast as it can to keep ahead of public outrage or at least disbelief. There is a relentless current of propaganda about how we'll all cook, freeze, drown, or starve because of simultaneous droughts and flooding wiping out our food production. It's all over the place as they try to push all buttons for all people to keep the fear up and the money rolling in.

The latter is the root of the evil over which Prof Lewis has resigned his membership in the American Physical Society. There are a LOT of scientists who will not toe the alarmist line on climate, but they are blacklisted and mocked if they speak their minds instead of parroting the Groupthink. Thanks to the Web though, there may be an eventual "death" by millions of cuts to the prevailing policy of scientists being excommunicated in their hundreds for not selling out.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford's book organizes the facts very well.) I don't believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

There are a lot of things we could productively address, but there isn't a lot of money in that for scientists and the political classes, so I guess that won't happen. That's something to actually be worried about, and don't say that nobody warned where this was going.

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